Press articles

Press article: Climate crisis through polar ice

The head of the IzotzaLab, Sérgio Henrique Faria, has been interviewed for a new article in the Basque newspaper Berria titled as “Climate crisis through polar ice” (available in Basque only). In the words of Faria: «[…] The gloomier scenarios projected for the Arctic and Antarctica are becoming reality, with the Arctic experiencing a particularly […]

Press release: El icónico glaciar pirenaico del Monte Perdido, que está actualmente desapareciendo, resistió a los periodos cálidos de la época romana y medieval

Un estudio del lnstituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE-CSIC) en coautoría con el BC3, ha permitido conocer la edad de esta masa de hielo, situada en el Pirineo aragonés y actualmente casi desaparecida. El trabajo ha determinado que el glaciar está presente, al menos, desde los últimos 2.000 años […]

Press article: The Importance of Ice

The Head of the IzotzaLab Sérgio H. Faria has published a new article in Basque newspaper Berria titled as “The Importance of Ice” (only available in Euskara). In the words of Faria: «Ice is our primary early warning system for climate change.» Also, he underlines the need to understand both the alert message and what […]

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